I am blog
These are the things I write about
Recent posts

Last night a Link Tag Helper saved my site
Are you using the ASP.NET Link Tag Helper? When my CDN failed I'm so glad that I did.

Tidy desktop, tidy mind: keeping a clean desktop on your Mac
A couple of ways to keep your desktop clean and tidy so you can see that beautiful desktop background you carefully chose.

The pitfalls of using a global author identity in Git
Typically identity details (name and email) used when committing changes to a repository are set globally. Depending on the types of projects you are working across this can be more of a hindrance than a help.

I've finally created UI documentation for my blog with 11ty!
It's been on my todo list for about 6 years but I finally created documentation for the iambacon pattern library.

FancyZones is my new favourite Windows 10 utility
If you are particular about the placement of windows on your desktop (like I am), then FancyZones is the tool for you.

How I removed all validation warnings from my RSS feed - ASP.NET Core
Much has changed with .NET Core, creating syndication feeds isn't one of them.

Setting a page class in your Blazor app
Sometimes it is necessary to add page specific styling. Typically I set a page class. In the context of an SPA (Single Page Application) such as Blazor it is not as straight forward. Here is one solution.

Logging exceptions to Raygun from your Blazor Server app
There is no official Blazor support from Raygun but it is actually simple to implement.

Deploying .NET Core app using a custom Kudu script
With the recent release of .NET Core 3 and the even more recent announcement of .NET Core 3.1 LTS, I felt now was a good time to move iambacon blog over from the .NET framework to the new world of .NET.

Setting the document title in your Blazor app
This article demonstrates an approach to setting the document title in a Blazor app.