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Recent posts

Extending the animation - fading out with storyboards and behaviours - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps
Previously we looked at how to fade out an element using storyboards and behaviours. This time we extend our code by fading in another element.

Request task cancellation extension method
An extension method to request the cancellation of a CancellationTokenSource

String to an object value converter - WinRT | Windows 8.1 store apps
A value converter that takes a string and returns an object from a resource dictionary.

Windows 8.1 store apps: Creating a simple fade animation using storyboards and behaviors - WinRT
This article shows how to trigger a storyboard animation using interaction behaviors.

Travelling with tech
In this day and age tech on a holiday, adventure or road trip is as essential as a clean pair of pants. Here are the items that I never travel without.

First day on a contract - what every developer needs to know
Making a good impression on the first day of a new job is super important. Starting as a contractor comes with the expectations of professionalism and self-sufficiency.

Sass maps: A better function for retrieving values
The @each
directive in Sass is used to loop through a map or list. This post gives an example of how we can use this to get values from nested maps.

The Visual Studio extensions you can't live without
There are some extensions you just can't live without. You forget they are an add-on and not part of Visual Studio as standard. Here's a list of the ones I can't live without, in no particular order.

How to use Sass maps
Sass maps arrived in the Sass 3.3 release, a data structure to store key/value pairs. There are many uses for maps, here's an example with social media icons.

Setting Powershell to a sensible size - Windows 8.1
This one has been annoying me for a while especially once I got a laptop with a high resolution screen. When Powershell opens, it's tiny. Setting the font size works for that session but the next time you open it, it's back to unreadable again. Here is a trick to get around this.